Are you facing HVAC problems but not sure what the issue might be? Just like any other electrical appliance, your HVAC system can malfunction over time. Don’t worry, just because your HVAC system lost it’s cool, you don’t have to. According to PickHVAC, 38% of consumers ranked System Reliability as their top priority in choosing HVAC equipment.
That’s why it’s important to know about the common issues it might have. In our comprehensive blog, we bring you the top 5 common HVAC problems that you might face and effective solutions for them so that you can get uninterrupted benefits from HVAC system and save both your money and energy in the long run.
Dirty Filters
If your HVAC system seems to be working less efficiently than usual, the first thing to check is your filter. Filters can naturally get dirty and even clogged over time as they collect dirt and debris. A clogged filter restricts airflow, forcing the device to circulate air harder, exceeding it’s capacity and losing effectiveness.

Locating The Filter
Turn off your HVAC system before you start cleaning to stop unfiltered air from circulating your house. Find the vent, then open the unit with a screwdriver. Be careful to clean all the filters if your unit has multiple vents. Take the filter out, then look for any damage. If you think the filter has too much damage, replace the filter; otherwise continue with the cleaning process.
Vacuum The Filter
If you can, move the filter outside to prevent stirring up dust within your house. To clean the filter of particles, use a vacuum with a soft brush attachment. Use the brush to remove the built-up that has become attached to the filter carefully.
Wash With Vinegar and Water
If your air filter needs a more thorough cleaning, fill your sink or a big bucket with hot water and distilled white vinegar in equal parts. After about an hour, let the filter soak, then rinse with fresh water.
If the filter is too big to fit inside a sink or bucket, rinse it with a garden hose while allowing the water to go the other way from where the air is flowing. For best results, use a low-pressure setting to protect the filter.
Dry and Replace
Before changing the filter, let it thoroughly dry out in the air. This aids in preventing the growth of mold inside your HVAC system. Make that the filter is reloaded inside the device and the airflow is directed in the right direction.
Arrow markings indicate the positioning of most filters; these arrows normally point in the direction of the airflow, which is toward the furnace. Reinstall the vents, then restart the appliance.
Faulty Thermostat
When a home doesn’t seem to be heated effectively, there may be an issue with the heating system’s brain rather than the actual heating system. Your heating system receives instructions from a thermostat, and any malfunction or incompatibility with the thermostat can significantly impact the system’s overall operation. If your thermostat fails, here are some things you can check on quickly.

Checking Power Source
If your thermostat screen is dark, it most likely indicates no power is reaching it. Make sure the power switch is turned on all the way first. Replace the battery if necessary by removing the case. Look for a blown fuse or tripped breaker if this doesn’t work.
Checking Loose Connections
Your thermostat depends on a few crucial electrical connections to function. Each separate connection enables a thermostat to transmit power to the required part for the fix when it detects a problem. Most thermostats have connections for heating, cooling, and fans. Your thermostat won’t be able to communicate effectively with your HVAC system if these connections are disrupted because of frayed wires, corrosion, or any other issue.
Replace The Thermostat
If you are unable to find problems with the thermostat, call a professional HVAC installation & repair service or replace the thermostat.
Dirty Condenser or Evaporator Coils
Your HVAC system is run by the condenser and the coils it has. Over time the coils can get dirty, causing issues to your HVAC system.

Locate The Coils
While cleaning the HVAC system, you’ll find the coils and the end of the system that sticks out. If you need help finding it, check the manufacturer’s manual.
Inspect The Condenser Coils
Visually check the coils for any substantial debris, such as leaves, spider webs, or dirt clods. Hand-remove them, then use a coil brush to clean the coils. This specialized cleaning tool has bristles with a stiffness that falls somewhere between a hand broom and a wire brush. To avoid bending the coils’ fins, gently guide the brush parallel to them. This isn’t a deep clean. You’re just removing stray hair and dust.
Applying AC Coil Cleaner
Most coil cleaners can be used on aluminum and copper coils, but you should check the packaging before applying a cleaner. The use of acidic cleaners should be avoided if the coils are constructed of copper because they can lead to corrosion. A soapy mixture of regular detergent is also secure to use on aluminum coils.
Shake the can of a foamy HVAC coil cleanser before spraying it directly into your coils to cover them completely. The cleaner must froth immediately, filling the space between the coils where dirt collects. All of the difficult-to-reach dirt and filth stuck between the fins is lifted off by the foaming. The cleaner should soak for 5 to 10 minutes, as directed on the can.
Leaky Ducts
The efficiency of your system will decrease if one or more of the ducts that carry air from your furnace to the rest of your house leak. Your furnace may need to run longer to compensate for the lost air when it escapes through a duct leak.

Start the HVAC fan, then reach inside the ducting. Check for breezes that suggest air escaping by feeling it up and down.
Apply a special metallic foil tape over the hole or gap after turning off the fan. Regular duct tape will lose its ability to stick over time. Buy the metallic foil tape designed especially for repairing ducting. To improve the seal, spread duct mastic with a brush over the tape and joints.
Ignition and Pilot Light Issues
Your furnace’s ignition system runs according to a very precise technique. Your furnace might be unable to ignite if any materials or components are broken. The burners, flame sensors, or pilot lights may be at fault for the issue.
It is a problem that has to be diagnosed and fixed by experts. Call a professional HVAC installation service capable qof safely handling the gas and high-voltage electrical supplies if your furnace won’t light.
Importance of Regular Maintenance
According to Indoor Air Quality Assosiation, regular HVAC maintenance can reduce the risk of costly breakdowns by as much as 95%. Annual HVAC maintenance and inspections can go a long way towards preventing costly breakdowns and treating potential problems before they cause real issues.
It’s a good idea to schedule these inspections with an HVAC professional sometime in the fall so that you can be confident in your furnace heading into the colder winter months. Here are some benefits you’ll get from regular HVAC maintenance.
Improved Air Quality
Your HVAC system’s ductwork and the indoor air filters are the channels through which all of the air that is conditioned for your home passes. If nothing is done, debris will build up in the spaces over time and clog the air filters, causing toxins to circulate. These include dust, pollen, and pet dander.
You will change your air filters and check and clean your ductwork for junk buildup when you perform preventative maintenance on your system. By enhancing the air quality in your house, this service will lower your risk of a variety of illnesses, including headaches, weariness, itchy eyes, runny noses, respiratory illnesses, and even cancer.
Energy Efficiency
There are numerous moving parts in your heating and cooling system, including belts, compressor motors, condenser fan motors, and blower motors.
If these components are not regularly maintained, they will degrade. Friction worsens and stresses these parts more, reducing energy efficiency and increasing electricity costs.
Extended Lifespan
Leaving your HVAC system to handle demand on its own can eventually put more stress on it. Moving parts will encounter greater friction and exert more effort to maintain your home’s comfort, as was already discussed. Your equipment will experience additional wear and tear, gradually shortening its lifespan.
Some manufacturers of HVAC equipment advise or even require regular maintenance to maintain the validity of the warranty. Although purchasing a routine maintenance plan may first seem pricey, replacing your system as a result of poor maintenance will ultimately be less expensive.
In conclusion, HVAC systems are essential to any home or building. However, they can sometimes need help with problems that must be addressed to ensure their smooth functionality. Homeowners can save themselves a lot of money, time, and energy in the long run by understanding common HVAC problems and how to fix them.
Whether it’s a clogged air filter, malfunctioning thermostat, refrigerant leaks, blocked condensate drain, or faulty blower motor, simple DIY solutions or professional HVAC installation & repair services are available to resolve the issue. It’s important to remember that proper maintenance and regular inspections can prevent many HVAC problems from occurring in the first place. By staying on top of these issues, you can ensure that your HVAC system keeps running without interruption, providing you with a comfortable and healthy living or working environment.